Capturing an Instagram-ready selfie while you are travelling or on the go may sometimes feel like an impossible task. But the more time you spend understanding your face and body, the more you realise that it’s less of an art and more of a subtle science. And here are four ways to crack the mystery behind the perfect #wishyouwerehere post.
Foyin knows *exactly* how to pose to look cute in her travel pics. These are her top four poses.

Pose #1: The Mirror Selfie
Kicking things off with my personal favourite and arguably the easiest pose to ease yourself into selfie-taking: the mirror selfie. This was taken on my visit to the Style Rotate showroom in Cape Town. I’ve never met a mirror I didn’t like! From small circular mirrors to the full body frame, moving your phone slightly to the side while still glancing into it allows you to feel less awkward than looking full-on into the camera. You can also add a cute peace sign or kneel on the floor to add some angles to the pose.

Pose #2: The Sunglasses
Props definitely make taking a selfie a little easier because it gives you something to work with! Casting a cute side-eye over the bridge of your sunglasses adds some quirk to an otherwise simple image, and bringing your hands to your face also amps up the drama. Holding your frames is the easiest way to add some dynamism to the shot. Like this example that I took on a recent visit to the Amalfi Coast.
Looking for new beauty trends to try? Click here for four to try (and show off on the ‘Gram!).

Pose #3: The New Age
This pose is all of the 'gram at the moment, but you need more than one phone to nail it. That’s why this one works best for selfies with your squad. You set up one phone on selfie mode with a self-timer and the other one – the one that will be visible in the image – is on Instagram live. That way you can capture the moment in video and photo format from every possible perspective as I did at I Love The Dough in Cape Town.

Pose #4: The Hand Over
I can’t stress this enough – when taking a selfie (or even a photo shot by someone else), use your hands! They’re nature’s photo prop. While I love a good hand on the neck or finger under the chin, the hand over your head adds a more playful casualness to your pictures, like this one I took in Trevi, Italy. It’s giving carefree, cool and collected vibes (plus you can show off your nails!).