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Be a apart of THE SUITE and access the luxe life.

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Be a apart of THE SUITE and access the luxe life.

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Lighting up screens across SA, rising star Pamela Mtanga knows a thing or two about building a personal brand. Here are her 10 tips to build yours.


Whether she is popping up on your Instagram feed or your TV screen, award-winning content creator and on-screen personality, Pamela Mtanga shines like the rising star that she is. This 26-year-old PR graduate – and latest cover girl for THE SUITE – started out as a popular fashion and beauty influencer. Now, she is the freshest face on TV as the new host of the Channel O show, Massive Music. Right now, all eyes are on her budding career and aspirational life – she is living proof that you can have it all. And achieving it will be even easier by following Pamela’s 10 tips to build “Brand You”. 


Want to get noticed in your field? Here are Pamela Mtanga’s tips to build a brand that reflects who you are.


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TIP #1 / Define Your Brand

“The first step in building your brand is to define what it is. What message do you want to send out to your audience? Whether you are an HR specialist or a creative freelancer, defining who you are and what you do is crucial and will help you find your niche.” 


TIP #2 / Develop a Strategy

“The next step is to build a strategy for your brand. This will further define who you are, what you're communicating and who you're communicating it to. It also helps you to identify the goals of building your personal brand and what you need to do to get there.” 


TIP #3 / Represent Your Role

“Whatever your field of expertise is that you are leaning into online, it’s important that you show up on-brand so that you can represent it. For example, if you are a style influencer, you have to walk into a room and have people asking themselves ‘what is she wearing?’”



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TIP #4 / Connect With Others

“Networking is a great way to connect with people in your field or those who share your interests. This is good for a multitude of reasons. It can expose you to new trends and information in your area of interest and also introduce you to people who you can work with.”


TIP #5 / Do Your Research

“To ensure that you remain relevant, you need to do plenty of research so that you can be at the forefront of your field. This can be done by reading, listening to podcasts or attending industry events so that you always know what’s trending in your area of expertise.”


You need to exude confidence if you want your personal brand to grow and thrive! Click here for tips on how to build yours from local star, Mihlali Ndamase.


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TIP #6 / Law of Attraction

“Nothing beats the law of attraction when it comes to manifesting the career you want! But it takes some creativity to attract brands you want to work with. Start posting images on your social feeds with merch of relevant brands and tagging them to get their attention.”


TIP #7 / Set Yourself Apart

“There are already loads of content creators occupying almost every imaginable area of expertise. This is why you need to establish what it is that sets you apart from the masses. You need to be able to show what value you can bring to the table that would make you a good fit.” 


TIP #8 / Keep Activity Relevant

“I consider myself a very exclusive and premium but relatable and affordable brand. You won’t see me at every event because it’s crucial to be selective about how you spend your time and energy. Make sure your activity is relevant to your brand and show up as your best self.” 


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TIP #9 / Keep Innovating + Elevating

“To stay relevant, you need to be brave. This will probably require you to step out of your comfort zone and trying new things to captivate your audience and brands. I never want to get too comfortable where I am because I know that I am capable of *so much* more.”


TIP #10 / Be True to You

“One way to ensure that you build a brand that is sustainable is to always remain true to who you are. This is what makes you relatable to your followers and different from all the other content creators out there. As the old saying goes: Be yourself, everyone else is taken!”


If you want to lead the life you deserve, you need to manifest it. Click here  for tips on how to do it from local singing sensation, Thabsie.


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